Sigler Bakery LLC
Home of the Blueberry Cookie!

About Us

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It all started back in 2014 in Northwest Ohio when Nicole had a craving for a blueberry cookie. After many online searches, she started experimenting with different recipes and finally created a blueberry cookie that people really enjoyed. In 2016 (five months after we got married), Scott unexpectedly lost his job of almost 10 years. It was then that we decided to start selling our cookies at the local farmer’s markets, and Sigler Bakery was born! The blueberry cookies were an immediate hit in Maumee, and we were selling out each week. We created two more unique cookie flavors (Pineapple Escape and Cherry Almond), then joined a second market in Perrysburg. Due to job changes & relocations, we found new jobs in Central Ohio and moved to Mount Vernon where we currently attend their local farmer’s market. Since then, we have added more cookie flavors to our menu, as well as breads, cookie dough pops, and cake pops. We love meeting new people & serving the community with our wonderful treats! Thank you all for your continued support & growing with us.
The Siglers